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Organisateur de formation - Travailleurs corporels


Bodywork therapies trainings

Elemental Bodywork organizes high-level training in bodywork with the Myofascial Energetic Release, the Ayurvedic massage "Abyangam".

And encourages the practice and teaching of emotional regulation organised by T.i.p.i. association.

Training in Myofascial Energetic Release

The Myofascial Energetic Release (MER) Training is a powerful life transforming experience. You will learn the art and science of a Deep Bodywork, Assisted Stretches, Myofascial Unwinding, Joint Mobilization, Emotional Release and Awareness and much more under the direction and guidance of Satyarthi Peloquin...

Training in Ayurvedic massage - Abyangam

Training in 7 modules: divided into 8 themes: Vatabyangam, Pittabyangam, Kaphabyangam, shirodhara, marma therapy, Muriabyangam, Ottadam and Udvartana.

This training teaches a protocol of massage for each of the dosas, and its techniques of movements …

Trainings in emotional regulation - TIPI

The TIPI PRO training courses have been designed to give you, as a professional, the keys to helping others when they are experiencing an emotional difficulty, or to offer support in regulating the emotional difficulties of your clients or patients in consultation, i.e. "off-line" when the emotion is no longer present.

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