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Organisateur de formation - Travailleurs corporels

Myofascial Energetic Training Module 1

Back, Neck, Pelvis and Breath

During this Myofascial Energetic Release course, you will :

  • Learn how fascial contraction is responsible for 95% of chronic pain.

  • Understand the importance of breath and how to regulate the releasing and balancing of the breathing of your clients.

  • Understand that the pelvis is the center of balance and trust.

  • Empower and educate clients through teaching Myofascial Unwinding as a deep, intrinsic movement that activates trauma release.

  • Evaluate clients using Body-Reading, self-reporting, palpation techniques, resonance and intuition.

  • Refine your ability to touch deeply and work with your own body mechanics.

  • Develop a “Listening Touch”.

  • Open the energy system through the body by releasing energy blocks and regulating energy flow.

  • Focus on the neck, shoulder, back, breath and pelvis

  • Experience and learn the 8 point teaching for deep touch.




In this module

In this training you will learn a unique and valuable method of deep tissue bodywork to help people with back, neck and pelvis pain. Through a series of structured, hands-on sessions, you will learn how to systematically release and integrate the spine. You will learn the art and science of seeing holding patterns in the body and their relationship to the client’s emotional holding patterns.  You will use this information  to develop treatment programs to affect a myofascial integration and  energy balancing.

Through a combination of daily meditations, theory, demonstrations and bodywork exchanges with consistent support from the staff, you will learn a holistic approach of myofascial release. This module introduces you to the major hinges of the spine: Lumbar/ Sacral, Diaphragm, Heart, Thoracic Inlet, Atlas/ Occiput and Pelvic release to restore balance. You will  learn the art and science of working on the back, neck and pelvis with deep bodywork, assisted stretches,  and joint mobilization. 

You will learn the structural and functional anatomy of the back, neck and pelvis, and in turn develop the intuition and skills necessary to work with the underlying causes of pain in these areas – especially as they relate to a client’s  ability to physically and figuratively “Stand Up” for themselves.  You will learn four effective breath release techniques that will assist in this process.

Eight points of  sensitive and effective deep bodywork,  designed by  Satyarthi Peloquin,  will be given to you to cultivate  skill, clarity and  intuition to the touch. Satyarthi will also teach you the musculature, psychology, and “Myofascial Unwinding” methods of psycho-physical release.

By the end of this module you will have learned a comprehensive series of strokes to help people who experience neck, back, shoulder and pelvis pain. Upon completion of  MER 1 you  will be able to give a full back, neck, shoulder, breath and pelvic MER session.



In the six modules, all learning takes place in an environment of respect, empathy and an awareness of each other. This mindful space allows students to feel safe to experiment with their ability to heal as well as the holistic art and liberation of the myofascial muscles.

The experience of a session of M.E.R. can offer the recipient a release from pain, an emotional awareness of the body and a deeper path towards self-knowledge.